The information presented below is based on observations which I (Michael Kubler) have gathered over the last few years along with an understanding of the biology of human behaviour, psychology, motivation, and predictably irrational behaviour.
Note : By categorising different types of people it can be harder to see the subtle differences between the categories, however the knowledge below can hopefully help you understand why some people are more open to ideas than others.
People come in lots of different shapes, sizes, and types. Depending on their environment, their friends, family, experiences, genetics, and hormones they are also likely to exhibit different types of behaviour.
When I am trying to get to know someone there are a number of different types of categories you can think about which can help you tailor your concept or message to them.
- Open Mindedness
- Market Segment (Bell Curve)
- Tangible/In-tangible
- Time Perspective
- Hunter vs Farmer
- Consumerist mentality
- Ways of Learning
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